in the local community raising awareness on stress and tension in our body and minds.
The year 2013 has been a great year for Austin Chiropractor Dr. James Lee. He has reached out to many people, places and institutions to spread the word on Chiropractic and it’s amazing ability to help the human body heal itself naturally. His lectures have ranged from the importance of the Chiropractic adjustment, enhancing the nervous system to eating healthy alkalizing foods. Also from the importance of practicing Yoga to getting your monthly (weekly if you can) massage.
As a Doctor of the spine and a certified Yoga teacher, Dr. James Lee of Austin Chiropractic has seen it all. While practicing in Costa Rica Dr. Lee had the opportunity to conduct over 180,000 Chiropractic adjustments. In his 15 years experience he has had a list of patients recovering from all types of health issues.
The bottom line is that Chiropractic helps the body heal from all health problems.
Along with Chiropractic is the importance of Food, Yoga, Exercise and Massage. For this article we will discuss the importance of massage only.
Dr. Lee has been working with massage therapists for close to 20 years and here in Austin is where he has discovered the best. The most qualified, professional and experienced therapist works at “The Natural Way”. Their approach towards massage and how they handle their clients is a very “down to earth” comfortable feeling. When visiting this place for a massage you get the sense that the therapist really actually cares about your body and its problems. They are always making great suggestions about how to maintain yourself between massages and when to notice if the tension levels in your body have increased.
Dr. Lee from Austin Chiropractic strongly recommends The Natural Way and it fabulous staff.