Dr. Lee utilizes a Chiropractic technique Network Spinal Analysis, which is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness. This is a safe, natural, non-invasive treatment involving a gentle precise touch along the spine to cue the brain to heal.
Two unique healing waves of breath occur during these adjustment sessions. These healing waves and movement are associated with a spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions that are stored in the body. After several adjustments using this Chiropractic technique, there is a greater self-awareness and conscious awakening with the mind, body and emotion. Many of Dr. James Lee’s patients notice a huge shift in their overall wellbeing and a sense of joy and peace.
Naturally with all types of Chiropractic, but especially with Network Spinal Analysis, the treatments take time and a regular set of appointments are required to feel the full effects.
When your body is out of alignment, your body experiences a restrictive range of motion, when you are having pain and tightness and an overall sluggish feeling, chances are that you are out of alignment.
A chiropractic adjustment will address this “out of alignment” and make you feel better. Our bodies know what to do, they know that they need to be straight and have proper posture. So, a Chiropractic adjustment will align your spine and relax your body and create a new muscle memory pattern for change.
So after several adjustments by Dr. James Lee at Austin Chiropractic, your body will begin to remember the proper posture and begin to help you keep it in its corrected form.
Network Chiropractic adjustments by Dr. James Lee.
Your initial visit:
During your initial visit and after closely examining the spine and determining the level of stress, Dr. James Lee usually applies a lite touch along the spine and pelvis to cue the center of the brain to relax and reverse all the current tension parameters.
- This is how Chiropractichelps our bodies heal.
- The Chiropractor will adjust and align the spine, which will in turn release a majority of our tension.
- The patient is then in a relaxed state(para-sympathetic) and the physical stress dissipates.
- This combination allows the central nervous system to unblock itself and function at a higher capacity.
- James Lee of Austin Network Chiropracticrecommends that people come 2 times a week for a few weeks, then one time a week until they feel better. Then Dr. Lee would recommend a maintenance plan over the course of several months.
Dr. James Lee understands that there are many chiropractors in Austin, Texas and that people have a lot of options. However, when you are selecting a Chiropractor in Austin Texas, especially for your family, please ask the following:
- Does the Chiropractorsee children? This is very important. If the Chiropractor has a percentage of a pediatric patients then they understand the true value of chiropractic and the effects on the nervous system. Also the structural importance that chiropracticprovides in a growing spine. More on Pediatric
- Are their prices reasonable?A single visit to a Chiropractic office should not cost you more than $75. If the chiropractor is charging more than that then you are probably receiving more than just a chiropractic adjustment, which is fine. You might be receiving physical therapy, massage or something else.
- When are they open and are they nearby. This is important especially if you have rigid work hours and your time is limited. Most chiropractors have flexible hours, so this should not be an issue. However it is important to understand that you most likely will need a sequence of chiropractic treatments to heal properly.
The services we offer in our Austin Chiropractic office:
- Spinal Decompression
- Physical Therapy
- Wellness Care
- Nutrition
- Auto Accident care