We utilize many methods to treat our patients. All of them are safe, natural, and non-invasive. Chiropractic care usually consists of a series of adjustments, which are made by your licensed chiropractor. Dr. Lee utilizes the Chiropractic technique Network Spinal Analysis, which is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies.
“This type of work will transform and improve your life”
“The shape, position, tension and tone of your spine is in relation to the shape, position, tension and tone of your life.”
“When I would awake in the morning I would just feel depressed and low energy, like I was just disconnected from myself. I just wanted to go back to bed and dream, sleep and escape” I had no back pain, and I was not at all depressed. I was just not excited or enthusiastic about life” Then I started to get NSA adjustments and Wow! What a shift. In just my first week I noticed such deep changes in my life, it was as though my spirit was awakening. I plan to be a lifetime patient of NSA.
This popular healing work has been helping people for over 25 years.
It is endorsed by:
* Wellness Leaders like Deepak Chopra,MD,
* Tony Robbins, Candace Pert, Dr Bruce Lipton, & Ken Wilber
* Entertainers like Jerry Seinfeld and Rachel Weisz
It’s effectiveness has been studied and documented in Major Universities such as the University of California at Irvine, USC, & the University of Auckland.
Research, in conjunction with noted neurobiologists, at the Medical College at the University of California, Irvine studied almost 3,000 people receiving Network care across the USA, Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico. The study found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant improvement in people’s Health Related Quality of Life.
People report sweeping, across the board positive outcomes relative to their: Physical Well-Being, Stress Levels, Emotional and Psychological Well-Being, Life Enjoyment, Lifestyle Changes and Overall Quality of Life. Below are some of the self-reported life improvements from individuals who participated in this monumental research study.
A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Rated Health, Wellness and Quality of Life. Robert H Blanks, Ph.D., Tonya L. Schuster, Ph.D., Marnie Dobson, MA. Journal for Vertebral