We utilize many methods to treat our patients. All of them are safe, natural, and non-invasive. Chiropractic care usually consists of a series of adjustments, which are made by your licensed chiropractor. Dr. Lee utilizes the Chiropractic technique Network Spinal AnalysisTM, which is an evidenced based approach to wellness and body awareness.
Gentle precise touch to the spine cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies.
Since being developed in the late 70s, Network Spinal Analysis has developed a body of research to back up its claims. The University of California found that 76% of its study’s 2,818 NSA patients self-reported significant improvements in their level of physical, emotional, stress, and life enjoyment factors.
Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes.
Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work. NSA is exclusively practiced by Doctors of Chiropractic in relationship to the identification and self regulation of spinal tension and subluxation patterns.
A letter from Dr. Mary:
We really were made for this.
If your nervous system has had the advantage of receiving Network Care somewhere along the way, no matter how long it’s been, you might be in a pretty decent spot right now, despite the fray going on all around us.
Personally, I have a sense of being one of those long legged water bugs that skates atop the hydrostatic tension on the surface of water. So much going on in that pond underneath!! I see it, interact with it, but I sit on top of it, in my heart, while I go about my day. No reason to sink!!
With this much energy, chaos and change all around us, we have the opportunity to transform stress and sorrow and discord into a holding pool for potential, for growth, transformation, and joy. Our nervous systems have been educated to do precisely this! We have invested in ourselves to create mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual flexibility. Our fields are prepped to receive waves of information. What appears to be chaos and uncertainty is a reservoir of energy that we can learn to harvest for growth, change, grace, wisdom, and best of all, for manifesting dreams.
One of the huge “not-so-secret” secrets for benefitting right now is to be in our hearts, to be fully aware of, and immersed in, present time; to disengage the ego from what we think we are supposed to be and from the expectations of others.
We have an amazing opportunity, right now, to re-invent, re-imagine, and create ourselves anew: there will not be a return to “normal”!! We need to be ready for whatever is next.
Certainty ain’t all that great. It indicates a life that is “under control”, not necessarily in the best sense of that idea. \
Come see us for an entrainment if you’re comfortable dong that! The office is a highly safety-conscious
environment with a special emphasis on sanitation, ventilation and air filtration. We also have sessions outdoors when weather permits, or if not, we work inside a magical, well ventilated, two-story greenhouse!
More information on Network Spinal Analysis
Some of the specific benefits people can experience from Network include:
- Less pain and tension
- Fewer headaches
- Increased energy
- Improved spinal flexibility
- Increased relaxation and well being
- Decreased anxiety
- Improved concentration
- Better stress adaptation