What is Intercostal Neuralgia and how can Chiropractic help?
Dr. James Lee at Austin Chiropractic has been working with Intercostal Neuralgia patients for many years. Intercostal Neuralgia is when you experience pain in your ribs, abdomen or chest because of the somatosensory nerves being damaged or inflamed. To be more exact, intercostal neuralgia affects the intercostal nerves, which are the nerves that radiate throughout the rib cage and abdomen.
Most people complain of a pain that is dull and constant. Or, sharp, tearing and stabbing. Like a muscle spasm and very tender. The location can be specific or a sensation as though the pain is wrapping around the chest. In some cases, there is a tingling and numbness in the chest or ribs. These can be constant or intermittent and can last for a long period of time.
Sudden movements involving the area of the upper chest, like sneezing, coughing, laughing. If a person is experiencing an unusual pain in the rib cage or a chest pain they must seek immediate medical care. When pain is on the left side of the chest, it can be mistaken for the symptoms of a heart condition.
What to understand about prevention and possible risk factors.
- Having strong back muscles and core.
- Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.
- Proper eating habits and limited smoking and alcohol.
- Any injury and/or inflammation of the nerve area, including local muscles and ligaments in the rib cage.
- Sometimes pregnancy may cause this problem
- Any surgery or viral infection may cause this problem.
- A fractured rib may cause this problem.
- Tumors, stomach and heart conditions may cause this problem
Treatment and prevention options of Intercostal Neuralgia.
Neuropathic pain occurs when an individual experiences pain because their somatosensory nerves have been irritated or become overly sensitive. The somatosensory nervous system is responsible for sending information about bodily sensations and changes to the brain.
Chiropractic and intercostal neuralgia.
As a Chiropractor, these types of cases come into the office because of the pain symptoms. Intercostal neuralgia can develop as a result on several different types of conditions. The Doctor must learn “why” the person has developed this condition. Chiropractors help with the affects this has on the spinal cord and nerves. Also, surgery is rarely used for this condition.
When you are out of alignment, when your body is experiencing a restrictive range of motion, when you are having pain and tightness and an overall sluggish feeling, chances are that you are out of alignment. A chiropractic adjustment will address this “out of alignment” and make you feel better. Our bodies know what to do, they know that they need to be straight and have proper posture. So, a Chiropractic adjustment will align your spine and relax your body and create a new muscle memory pattern for change. So after several adjustments by Dr. James Lee at Austin Chiropractic, your body will begin to remember the proper posture and begin to help you keep it in its corrected form.
- Dr. James Lee of Austin Network Chiropractic recommends that people come 2 times a week for a few weeks, then one time a week until they feel better. Then Dr. Lee would recommend a maintenance plan over the course of several months.
- Dr. James Lee understands that there are many chiropractors in Austin, Texas and that people have a lot of options. However, when you are selecting a Chiropractor in Austin Texas please consider our services.